Tuesday 6 December 2011

Red Velvet Cupcakes

2,5 cups of flour
2 cups sugar
0,5 cup cocoa
1 t baking soda
2 tablespoons butter
5 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 t vanilla
1 t red food colouring
1/4 t salt

  • Mix the flour, baking soda and salt
  • Cream the sugar and butter in a separate bowl and add the eggs
  • Fold the dry ingredients into the sugar, butter and egg mix
  • Mix the cocoa, butter milk, vanilla and food colouring and add to the rest
  • Bake at 180 for 12 minutes
  • Decorate with white icing and red cherries

Monday 28 November 2011

Rosemary Manor Market 2 December – Feast of Crimson

We would like to thank all our valued customers (friends) who enjoy all things bright and beautiful with us at Rosemary Manor. We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our loyal exhibitors for their beautiful ceative work throughout the year.
Join us on Friday 2nd December for delicious Rosemary Manor food and beautiful clothes, jewellery, trinkets and gifts. Our theme for December is “Feast of Crimson”. What better way to celebrate life and the successes of the past year, and what better colour than in bright red!

There will be no themed market in January 2012, but we will have our first mini market on 20 January from 09:00 until 12:00 for those of you who miss us too much! Our next full day market will be on the 3rd of February from 09:00 until 17:00 with the theme ‘Romantic Rose’.

We hope to see you on Friday!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Your Life and Work - Is it time to Change?

Do you wake-up daily with mental ENERGY and PASSION to take on your professional challenges or does your heart sink into your shoes at the prospect of another day on the job or work-place?
Well, there are times in all of our lives and careers when we reach a crossroad. In which direction should we go? Some individuals will actively look for the next step, while others will hang around, waiting for the next step to come to them.  
It is possible to have a career or business that ignites your professional passion and a life where you have personal power. You need to BELIEVE that it can be done and align your MINDSET accordingly. By defining priorities and then setting clear goals, strategies and actions, AND implementing these one step at a time, you can reclaim the life and career that you envisage.
Use the following simple steps as guidance:
1. Define your Priorities
Just who are you and what do you want? What are you passionate about? Start out by making a list of what is important to you – your broad values and priorities. By having these close at hand, it becomes much easier to make choices and decisions that are aligned to your personal preferences, values and life-style choices.
2. Define your Goal
Sure, you may have lots of good intentions, but you cannot get what you want until you actually describe what it is. Envisage what it is that you would want to be, have and do, if there were no obstacles in your way. Give yourself the liberty to dream. Brainstorm and write it all down. Finally, summarise your goal in a few powerful words – the one-liner that you can immediately recall when asked at any time!
3. Explore Your Options
What did you learn about yourself and your goals in the previous steps? What are your alternatives? Do you stay, leave or move to something new? What are the implications? Take your insights and turn them into explicit career and workplace choices. Do research, link up with contacts you know, or solicit advice from trusted experts in the field. EXPLORE and ASK – you need to be action-oriented.
4. Create a Plan of Action
Next you need to get a PLAN. Reflect on what you gathered from the previous steps and define broad steps to achieve your desired outcome. 4 – 6 broad steps is a good guideline. Next you need to break each broad step down into smaller, executable actions and diarise or schedule these. Look at:
·         WHAT I want (Specific Outcome or Result)
·         By WHEN will I get it?
·         ACTIONS that I will take to get there (Specific Actions or Tasks)
·         WHAT ELSE will I need to complete the task?
5. Implement It
To keep the energy and momentum going, you need to set daily, weekly and monthly tasks or actions. Follow through and persevere. Step-by-step you will be moving towards your goals. If something is not working, make the resolution up front that you will try something else, but KEEP GOING!
6. Complete!
Track your progress and celebrate your achievements. Give yourself credit for making the changes. 
A final comment – Remember, CHANGE is often painful, but it begins with the acknowledgement that you are the author of your own life story. Insight and knowledge alone do not create change. ACTION leads to new experiences and new behaviours, which lead to change. Lasting change requires more ACTION.

About the Author: Gina Mostert is a business success strategist and coach who works with executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and independent professionals to plan for success, get more organised and take decisive action to get results.
By creatively combining the best of consulting, coaching and mentoring, she helps clients to define exactly WHAT they want to be, have or do in business and HOW they intend to get there. She is the developer of the 8 Essentials for Business Breakthroughs Program for Small Businesses.

Monday 31 October 2011

"Beach House" Rosemary Manor Mark Vrydag 4 November 8-5


Daar is ‘n plek waar elke mens
 sy vrede vind, sy rus beding
Dis groot en luuks of klein en knus
Daar vind jy altyd  jou vreugde en rus
Die salige vrede gemeng met die sprei
Langs bruisende waters is jy vir ‘n oomblik weer vry
Later terug onder knellende druk
Onthou dan die son, see en ‘n stukkie geluk.

Elkeen van ons kan doen met ‘n breek van alles wat altyd so dringend is. Hierdie maand gaan ons ‘n oomblik spandeer en ons verbeel dat die einde van die jaar nie soos ‘n weghol trein op ons afpyl nie. Kom geniet ‘n paar uur van vakansie pret en wegbreek vreugde saam met ons. Vrydag gaan daar heelwat nuwe stalletjies wees en ons mark het ‘n lekker buietlug atmosfeer.

Rosemary Manor Mark
Vrydag 4 November 8 - 5
345 Rosemary straat

Wednesday 5 October 2011


One of outstanding features of the Victorian Age was the interest in the culinary art! During our theme research we found this very simple and quick alternative to the Fruit cake. Try this recipe and impress your friends during the build up to seasonal celebrations!

Mini Fruit Cakes

1 1/2 cup diced candied fruit
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/2 cup brandy or apple juice
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup butter
1 egg
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 cup walnuts
Candied cherries for garnish
Melted apple jelly for glaze

Marinate fruits and raisins in brandy or juice overnight. Cream sugar, butter and egg. Sift together flour, soda, salt and spices;stir in. Mix in walnuts and marinated fruits. Spoon batter into miniature muffin tins lined with baking cups. Fill 3/4 full. Top each with cherry.

Bake at 140'C for 30 minutes. Remove from tins, brush top with brandy or juice while warm. Cool. Store in airtight container. Before serving, brush tops with jelly.
Makes 5 dozen.

Monday 3 October 2011


This month Rosemary Manor is celebrating the Age of Victoria. This is the period from around the 1830’s to the beginning of World War II. Nearly all the modern day inventions e.g. cars, telephones electricity had their birth in this period, not that that has anything to do with our celebration. We are focusing on the splendour, crafts, fashion, culinary trends and social activities.

The Victorian culture included local fresh produce markets in all the little hamlets and towns as well as well established produce markets in bigger cities. All ingredients were bought fresh and served as soon as possible. The focus was on seasonal produce. This resulted in wonderful flavourful dishes made with the best of what was available. This rings a bell when we consider the present trends in cooking. Out with artichokes from Timbuktu and in with what is in season.

You will notice our fresh strawberries and chocolate kebabs and seasonal salad on the menu. Smoothies made with fresh fruit taste so good when enjoyed in the exhilarating sun of a spring morning. Another culinary delight that was part of the Victorian age was dainty cakes and treats enjoyed by lady friends in the parlour. Our Cherry Ganache cupcakes will hopefully take you back to a time of  tea parties and croquet on the lawn.

I include the article on the wedding of Prince Edward and Princess Alexandra. It was so refreshing to read about a girl who won over a very stuffy court with her innovative and creative approach to protocol. Here at Rosemary Manor we love to improvise and share with friends all that is beautiful and creative and uplifting to the heart!

The Crown Prince of England and the 18 year old Princess of Denmark wed 1863.

Lacking royal jewels, the beautiful princess wore a tiara of white orange blossoms with cascades of orange blossoms and myrtle on her dress.  The lack of jewels was speedily remedied as the gifts to the bride from Queen Victoria and the groom, HRM Prince Edward Albert, included stunning royal jewels from the farthest reaches of the Empire.

Soon after the death of her beloved Prince Albert, Queen Victoria began the search for a wife for her eldest son, Crown Prince Edward Albert.  She found the perfect Princess - only one problem, she was only 15 years old; the lovely Princess Alexandra of Denmark 

The Prince had to wait till her 18th birthday.  Her arrival in London by ship drew thousands.  The royal cortege welcomed her to the Palace, in the same carriages recently used in the 2011 Royal Wedding.  The Princess Alexandra chose to wear a white court gown, reflecting Queen Victoria’s first white wedding in the history of England.  The courageous Danish bride faced British nobility without a pearl and won their hearts, adorned with white blossoms.

She wore a 21 foot train, (Diana’s was 25 ft, modelled after the Danish Princess) and honoured her new homeland by selecting “an opulent creation” of British design - a white court gown of Honiton lace, adorned with Roses, shamrocks and thistles, emblems of England, Ireland and Scotland.

An athletic young woman and expert horsewoman, Alexandra enjoyed the dangerous sport of tandem driving, with a fast pair of horses and lightweight carriage. She was fond of dancing and ice-skating and Queen Victoria was horrified to find that she enjoyed hunting (and asked her to stop, without success). Even after the birth of (six) children, she continued her active life.  

Always spirited and courageous, Alexandra devoted her life to charitable works, sparing Queen Victoria public appearances.   After six children, her waist was as dainty as ever, smile as welcoming.  Upon the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, Albert Edward became King-Emperor as Edward VII, with Alexandra as Queen-Empress consort.  And thus was the beginning of the 10-year Edwardian Era.

©2011 by Patrice LePera ~ Authority, Victorian Era, Historical Writing ~ www.afterimage-art.com

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Papawersaad en wit sjokolade koek met meringues en bessies

 3 ekstra groot eiers
1,5 k strooisuiker
0,5 k olie
1 k gewone joghurt
0,5 k papawersaad
1 k klapper
1 k bruismeel

Klits die eiers en voeg die suiker stadig by.
Voeg die olie en joghurt by en meng goed.
Meng die papawersaad, klapper, bruismeel en sout en voeg by die bogenoemde om 'n slap deeg te vorm.
Voer twee 19 cm panne uit met bakpapier.
Bak 30 - 35 minute by 180 grade celsius.
Laat die koeke afkoel en keer uit.


200 g wit sjokolade
0,5 k versiersuiker
O,25 k melk
2 e botter
0,5 t vanilla

Smelt sjokolade, versiersuiker en melk in 'n dubbelkoker.
Voeg botter en vanilla by.
Roer en laat effens afkoel
Voeg ekstra versuiker by indien nodig.

Versier die koek met die versiersuiker, meringues en bessies.

Lekker eet!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Professional Passion – Are you Fired-up or Burnt-out?!

I have a personal motto that “Life is too short not to love what you are doing”. Unfortunately, many professionals have not yet discovered their true passions and purpose, let alone aligning their business, career or life choices to these.
Let’s take a closer look at PROFESSIONAL PASSION – It is not only the fuel that gets us out of bed in the morning, but it is also an essential differentiator in determining our probability to succeed in the long-run! Passion energizes us, makes us creative and keeps us motivated, even when things are tough. It sustains us on our journey towards our professional dreams and goals…
Here is my take on three top characteristics of professional passion:
1. It is a powerful energy source. Passion is the fuel that gets us fired-up. I know we cannot always have everything in our professional lives, but if you are not pretty passionate about WHAT you are doing, WHO you are working with, WHEN, WHERE and HOW you are doing it, chances are that you will feel pretty exhausted soon – even burnt-out! 
Make professional decisions to get closer alignment with your professional passion – it will fill you up with the right emotional fuel!
2. It is a critical differentiator.  Regardless if you are an executive, an employee in the workplace, or an entrepreneur in business, passion is a key differentiator. Let me give you an example: Compare two individuals in the workplace – they have more or less similar talents, experience and skills. One ABSOLUTELY loves what he or she is doing, the other likes it, but not as much as the latter.… Guess who is more likely to succeed or get the promotion? 
Yes, passion connects you with your vision and will help you to maintain focus when it is needed! It will keep you going when others are giving up.
3. It is contagious. Another amazing characteristic of passion is that it rubs off. If you hang out with passionate people, you will be touched and inspired by the energy they radiate. If YOU are passionate, you can transfer your energy to others, impacting their lives in a positive way. 
Choose your friends wisely and stay connected with passionate and positive people!
Here is my business challenge to you today: 
Take a reality check: If you are fired-up about your business or career, GREAT – keep the positive energy flowing. 
If not, think about the WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO, WHERE and WHEN of your business or career. What is it that needs to change? What action do you need to take? What can you do, starting today?
If you are stuck, get in contact with a mentor or professional that can help you to:
-          Get better insights into your Thinking and Professional Preferences (e.g. Whole Brain Profiling)
-          Dream big and define the goals
-          Take the first steps – you do not always have to know the HOW TO, before your decide to commit to a professional dream
You are ultimately responsible for creating the life and career you want! Get out and restore your professional passion.

About the Author: Gina Mostert is a business success strategist and coach who works with executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and independent professionals to plan for success, get more organised and take decisive action to get results.
By creatively combining the best of consulting, coaching and mentoring, she helps clients to define exactly WHAT they want to be, have or do in business and HOW they intend to get there. She is the developer of the 8 Essentials for Business Breakthroughs Program for Small Businesses.

Friday 26 August 2011

Rosemary Manor Market Friday 2 September – Different Shades of Pale

It is again time for a relaxing day at the monthly Rosemary Manor Market. Our theme for this month is ‘Different Shades of Pale’. Often in the absence of bright colour we find the peace and quite that is missing in our busy lives. When painting I experience a keen awareness of colour by trying to steer clear of using it. One of the often used slogans at Rosemary Manor is “Peace and Tranquillity is a choice”. We must consciously choose to focus on that which provides a sense of quite.  When the demands of life  force us to live at a fast pace it is often the effect of neutral colour and  peaceful sound that calms you down.  All our creative artists used the theme as a guideline to bring about wonderful new works of art.

We will have our usual tea garden with delicious home baking  and cuisine. Don’t forget our famous home made lemonade and ginger beer.

For those of you who missed our Spring Sale, we also have the different shades of sale! Join us for some bargain hunting and buy beautiful things at the best prices (you can always call it early Christmas shopping.)

From this Friday you can do your fresh product shopping at Rosemary Manor every Friday morning from 8-11. Bring that beautiful provencal basket that you never had a use for and join your friends and acquaintances at a rural market right on your doorstep.
There is no reason to wait for your next visit to Tuscany to experience the thrill of a local market! You can enjoy a cup of coffee and our famous muffins and cake while drinking in spring under the bright green foliage of our courtyard trees.   

We hope to see you all on Friday for some heart warming food, beautiful things and excellent company!

Gerlinde, Liesl & Mignon

Monday 22 August 2011

Why you need a Gratitude Attitude

Gratitude, or the emotion of appreciation and joy in response to receiving a gift, is one of the basic ingredients for experiencing a good life.  Research in recent years has indicated that an attitude of gratitude has many benefits, including improving mental and physical health.  But that’s not the only benefit. In business, gratitude enables us to maintain a mindset of positive expectation, attract opportunity and move into our higher professional purpose.
Studies over the last decade found that adults who regularly feel grateful have increased energy and optimism, more social connections and are happier than those who do not. They're also less likely to be envious or greedy, PLUS they often earn more money!
In life and in business, I’ve learnt that when you continually focus on what you lack and don’t appreciate what life brings your way, you become vulnerable. That causes negativity, because you feel deprived and resentful about things you don’t have.  Gratitude, on the other hand, brings about an inner shift when you acknowledge what is working in your life!  It supports a mindset of abundance.
Here are six gratitude techniques I personally use in my own life and business:
Keep a Success and Gratitude Journal. Writing down and reflecting on your successes on a daily and weekly basis provides a real sense of achievement.  Nurture gratitude by writing down at least five things you have achieved and can be grateful about each day. Some days your list will contain wonderful things, but on rough days you might find it very hard to even think of one!  Just keep on doing it anyway!
Send Thank-You notes. This sounds old-fashioned, but nothing is as powerful as a sincere, handwritten thank-you note sent through the mail. Personally, I like to thank my clients for the opportunity to work with them and be part of their success journey.
Use positive, uplifting language to express gratitude where you can, like thanking a colleague who makes you coffee or the cheerful petrol pump attendant.
Communicate thankfulness. Identify individuals for whom you are especially grateful and tell them about it. You can make a phone call, write a letter or even send a text message. Be specific about what he/she has done for you and how it has positively impacted your life. Acknowledging another’s contribution will be gratifying to you both!
Always look for the “bright side” or seek the opportunity in any given situation, especially when life gives you something which might not be what you expected.
Use Gratitude Affirmations. I write affirmations down in my Success and Gratitude Journal every week and repeat these when busy with repetitive or tedious tasks, e.g. during a workout or while running.
Melody Beattie captures gratitude’s magic beautifully: "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
Your professional challenge: How can you use these techniques to increase gratitude levels personally and within your business? Let me know how they help you!

About the Author: Gina Mostert is a business success strategist and coach who works with executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and independent professionals to plan for success, get more organised and take decisive action to create better business results.
By creatively combining the best of consulting, coaching and mentoring, she helps clients to define exactly WHAT they want to be, have or do in business and HOW they intend to get there. She is the developer of the 8 Essentials for Business Breakthroughs Program for Small Businesses.

Sunday 31 July 2011

A GARDEN PARTY... more than a party in the garden - FRIDAY 5 AUGUST 9-5


We chose this theme for the market on Friday 5 August at Rosemary Manor to celebrate the return of spring to this knack of the Lynnwoods!

Ruth Stout said ”I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden”. I know that spring is traditionally associated with September, but with all the cold weather that we had to endure this winter I can not wait another moment. There are few things as wonderful as the scent of Jasmine blooms lingering on your hands long after you have touched it. I keep an eye on my beautiful  apricot tree outside the bedroom window because my old friend is the first one in the garden to greet spring with delicate ice pink blossoms that dissolve in a display of confetti when disturbed. 

We plan to greet you with a display of Iceland poppies and to treat you with creatively hand crafted items in celebration of nature and life. We have gorgeous new table linen on display and at last the beautiful hand made heart and bead necklaces are in stock, there are only a few so make sure you come early.

Life is sweet and joy abundant if we choose to see it like that. Invite a friend to join us in the tea garden with a special menu of fresh salads, sandwiches and Wendy’s famous waffles with strawberries, cream and rose petal syrup. All the old favourites including the caramel cheese cake and tortilla slice will also be available.

May your heart overflow with anticipation and happiness, for what ever happens, spring is on its way and nothing can stop it!!   

Thursday 21 July 2011

French Festival @ Hazel Food Market

What an awesome day we had at the Hazel Food Market this past Saturday! We had a special French Festival to commemorate Bastille day. The exhibitors dressed up and added special French cuisine to their menus. We sold French leak tarts and French onion soup for the occasion. Our tables was empty by the end of the day… Thank you to everyone who supported us there, and to Retha who made the day possible! If you haven’t diarised the Hazel Food Market on your weekly to-do-list, you are missing out on excellent food and  great ambiance! Fortunately the market is being held every Saturday from 8:00 until 14:00. For those of you who couldn’t make it, here is our special French onion soup recipe:

6 onions
3 carrots
2 potatoes
3 celery stalks
1 litre vegetable stock
butter for frying
flour to thicken the soup
Salt and pepper to taste

Chop the vegetables and fry the onions in the butter until golden brown
Add the rest of the veggies and the stock
Simmer for 30 – 40 minutes
Add 2 tablespoons of flour to a bit a water and use to thicken the soup
Add salt and pepper to taste and liquidise

Serve with bread and butter and play some french music!

Monday 4 July 2011

The World is my Oyster

We had another wonderful market at Rosemary Manor on Friday the first of July! Thank you to everyone who visited us and enjoyed the day with us. Our theme was “The World is my Oyster” and we celebrated countries from around the world with scrumptuous delicacies in our tea garden and beauty products from the dead sea in our shop. We also had true American treats like chocolate brownies and pop corn…and who can resist hamburgers and chips like the Yankees do!

A big thank you to Renate who kept the little ones busy with sand art. All the moms have new art for their walls and enthusiastic artists to be at home!

Our next market will be on 5 August with the theme “A Garden Party”. Be sure not to miss out! Also remember to visit us every Saturday at the Hazel Food Market. We sell delicious food in our signature tin mugs in true Rosemary Manor style.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Friday 24 June 2011

Rosemary Manor Market 1 July

It is almost time for Rosemary Manor’s monthly market! On Friday 1 July our quaint tea garden will be open from 09:00 until 17:00 and we have lots of beautiful new things in our shop. Our theme for July is “The world is my Oyster”. You don’t have to do the travelling to experience something of far off countries as we will be bringing them to you.

Why not invite a friend for a catch – up coffee or lunch? We will be having delicious traditional South African cuisine like chicken pie and milk tart, as well as lots of surprises from around the world…
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Beautiful Doll Cake

I have recently made this cake for a friend's daughter's fourth birthday. It was great fun to make and really easy. Here is how to go about it:

The key is having enough cake to work with! You need 4x the amount of a normal cake mix.

  • Bake four round cakes and stack them
  • Cut a hole in the center for the doll’s legs
  • Place the doll in the centre and cut the cake to form the dress
  • Ice and decorate as you choose. I used butter icing and i made the little roses from sugar icing. You can even buy ready made roses and all sorts of decorations from baking and craft shops

You will have lots of left over cake to make a delicious trifle for Sunday Lunch... or you just eat the crumbs yourself!

Sunday 12 June 2011

From mug to mugnificence

It all started Saturday morning at the Hazel Food Market. The Rosemary Manor team was at our usual spot, next the north gate of the market, minding our mugs, so to speak. For those of you who do not know yet, Rosemary Manor has branched out and is now selling the food you love at the Hazel Food Market every Saturday from 8 to 2 o’clock

The question our customers kept asking was what do we do with the mugs after enjoying the scrumptious fare inside? For the creative mind the tempting tipsy tart or mouth watering tortilla stack in the enamel mugs we sell is only the beginning. It goes without saying that morning coffee and four o’clock tea can only taste better when served in such an original way, but why stop there?

 You can make a candle, sort your stationary or plant a lovely succulent in your mug. Buy six or eight and use them the next time you entertain. My family dinner tomorrow can only benefit from welcoming creamy tomato soup served in quaint enamel mugs. Is there a better way to serve French fries or a hot dog? Have a picnic in the garden and dish up all the food in different coloured mugs. Salad, pasta, jelly & custard and even spicy gluwein will thrill your guests when served in such an extraordinary way.


Use a mug as wrapping paper. Fill the mug with a Cappuccino stick or 2, add a teaspoon dipped in melted dark chocolate, a few marshmallows and /or a rusk and tie a ribbon around the ear of the mug and  voila! A choccacino as a gift.

A regular customer hangs her mugs in the lemon tree outside her kitchen door and an artist from Nelspruit creates breathtaking chandeliers with hers. Food like life is so much more than just the mundane and ordinary. When last did a serving of piping hot chicken pie bought at a Saturday morning market hold so much promise!

The Challenge:
Come up with a mugnificent use for a ordinary enamel mug. Post a comment on our blog and stand the chance of winning 4 mugs of culinary delight to be collected next Saturday at the Rosemary Manor stall at the Hazelwood Food Market. Please remember to include your contact details.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Rosemary Manor Market 3 June @ 345 Rosemary Street

Can you believe that a whole month has passed and it is market time again at Rosemary Manor! We will be open on Friday 3 June from 9 – 5 with the theme “My Grandma’s Kitchen”.

We have beautiful new stock including a fabulous new health and beauty range, delicious deli products and our regular artists' newest creations. In addition to that we will be cooking up a storm in the kitchen! Come and enjoy a “Rosemary Coffee” and chicken pie or bobotie in a mug – just like Grandma used to make, but with our Rosemary twist.

What memories are made of

Memories are strange things. Woven with fact is the golden thread of fantasy. Whether it is a memory that was generated by our past or a flight of fancy constructed on the whimsical tales of others. My parents often repeated home truth was that memories will be your fire wood for the winter.

My memories of my own grand parents are in the majority a colourful crochet blanket of such fantastical stories. These stories are as varied as they are sometimes far fetched but they work for me.

My maternal grandmother was one of 10 children growing up in a privileged family living in a picturesque coastal town, the Gatsby era was at its height. On the night of her sister’s wedding her flowing red locks, celestial voice and wicked sense of humour irrevocably attracted the tall, dark and handsome prince who won her heart. Tales of her feather light sponge cake and unequalled traditional cuisine was as legendary as her breathtaking rose garden hewn from the unforgiving earth of the Storm Berg. She was known for endless conversations in the drawing room and tea trays set with the finest porcelain. Musical soirees were the events where friendships were forged and life stories shared.

My grandmother would sing and laugh and remind people around her that one’s circumstances have nothing to do with your ability to live life with your arms and heart flung wide open and the breeze blowing through your hair. In reality her life was much different from the picture just painted but I have little recollection of her struggles and many years later I still celebrate her ability to experience joy no matter what. What a gift to leave behind, a spectacular kaleidoscope of colourful fragments and the jingle of laughter living on in the minds of those who loved you.

Friday 3 June from 9-5 the theme at the Rosemary Manor Market @ 345 Rosemary Street is "my Grandma's Kitchen'.The theme this month is so much more than enamel mugs and thick hand knitted jerseys.  It is a celebration of our grandmothers’ kitchen. Whether based on reality or fantasy does not change the fact that we can all, from time to time, use some firewood for the winter.

We should never stop repeating those well worn stories from the past. Who will ever know if some of the facts are replaced by the soft call of our fancy!   

Knit your mug a jersey

Knit this quirky mug warmer as a Father’s Day gift or a quaint pressie for yourself and fill the cup with goodies. While you are at it, knit a pink one for your best friend as well!

If this sounds like too much trouble, buy one at our market on Friday 3 June for only R30. We will be open from 9 – 5 and our theme is “My Grandma’s Kitchen”. Be sure to order a “Rosemary Coffee” and enjoy home cooked cuisine  just like grandma used to make.


Cast on 37 stitches using chunky wool and nr 4.5 needles
Knit 20 rows one pearl one plain
Cast off
Join the to and bottom of the oppisite sides together with a few stitches and slip over any mug ( we always use our signature enamal mug)

When last did you have "mieiliebrood"?

In the nineties no braai was complete without a loaf of mieliebrood, but over time we became too sophisticated to make and enjoy this type of comfort food. Shame on us! Nigella might not include this recipe in one of her best sellers and it may be mere coincidence that my cousin who gave me the recipe emigrated to Canada  shortly thereafter. 

After our picnic last Sunday we at Rosemary Manor felt that it woukd be a crime against the braai tradition not to share this family recipe.

  1. 4 eggs
  2. ½ cup milk
  3. ¼  cup sugar
  4. 30 ml cake flour
  5. 1 cup mieliemeal
  6. 1½ tsp baking powder
  7.  pinch of salt
  8. 1 can cream style sweet corn
  9. 1 can corn kernels (drained)
  10. 10 ml oil
  11. 1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Mix 1, 2 and 3.
Sift 4, 5, 6 and 7 and add
Mix 8, 9, 10 & 11 with the rest.
Pour into a well greased bread pan and bake at 180° C for 45 minutes or until firm to the touch and golden brown