Sunday 29 January 2012

Romantic Rose         
3 February 2012               
09h00 – 17h00

 “The rose speaks of love silently in a language known only to the heart” Anonymous
In this world of speed and pressure we need to make an intentional decision to slow down and smell the roses.
At the beginning of another fantastic year full of challenges – we at Rosemary Manor commit ourselves to creating a oasis of peace, beauty and serenity.

We invite you to join us this week in the tranquil and creative atmosphere at the Manor.
Roses are the ultimate symbol of natural beauty and romance. In decor as well as crafts people have embraced the rose as an expression of passion and life for many centuries. In both literature and art the colour and shape of the rose has inspired many masterpieces.
“The fragrance of the rose stays in the hand of the giver”
Join us this Friday and experience the romantic presence of the rose. Our tea garden will provide you with a culinary feast. Bring a friend and take a break after the frenzied start of 2012.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Gevulde murgpampoentjies

6 GROOT murgpampoentjies
½ ui
1 knoffelhuisie, opgekap
250 g sampioene
½ koppie cheddarkaas, gerasper
Sout en peper

  • Voorverhit oond tot 180
  • Bak die murgpampoentjies 30 – 40 minute of tot gaar
  • Sny die murgpampoentjies middeldeur in die lengte en verwyder die pitte
  • Braai die sampioene, knoffel en ui in die olyfolie en voeg die pampoenpitte by
  • Geur met sout en peper
  • Skep die bogenoemde mengsel terug in die holtes van die murgpampoentjies
  • Strooi die kaas oor en plaas terug in die oond totdat die kaas gesmelt is
Bedien saam met braaivleis of dien op as 'n voorgereg. Lekker eet!!