Saturday 31 March 2012

Friday 13 April - Photographs and Memories

Going through my childhood photograhps not only brings back the precious memories of a carefree and peaceful time, but it brings a sense of accomplishment. Not so much of possessions or anything wordly, but of friendships, relationships and peoples’ lives that i have touched and who have influenced me in return. How can we ever put a price on that?

Memories is the one thing that can never be taken away from us. And what better way to keep those memories alive than with photographs. When last did you take the time to go through old photo albums with your loved ones? In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives we so often forget to make time for making memories and to dwell on the beautiful ones already made. I recall the words of John Lennon: “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”

Make Friday 13 April a date for creating special memories with a friend or your loved ones. You can have professional photographs taken by Susan du Toit at Rosemary Manor, while enjoying excellent food and beautiful trinkets in our shop.

We promise to make it a day to remember in true Rosemary Manor style!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Top Strategies for Balancing Work and Personal Life

In life and in business, most women typically have to wear many hats – that of partner, mother, daughter, career-woman, home-maker, care-taker, girl-friend…. You name it! Achieving a balanced and more fulfilled life is not always easy, yet some woman seem to pull off this juggling act better than others – How do they do it? 
There is no single formula for achieving work-life balance – It is pretty much a personal decision of how you integrate the various areas of your life, as well as the ability to formulate creative solutions as you approach the challenges of multiple responsibilities and roles. The reality is that the same skills and strategies that are used in the workplace, such as communicating, planning, delegating, networking and organising, can be used on a personal front to achieve better balance. 
Here are some of my specific strategies that can help you achieve a more satisfying, fulfilling and well-balanced life, both professionally and personally (not that I always manage to get it all done myself!)
1. Firstly, take care of the Basics – You are your greatest asset and you need to take care of your personal health and wellness. With proper nutrition, adequate sleep and physical activity, you will get the energy to sustain yourself and get more things done! I personally find that I get a lot more done on days where I had an early start with exercise and healthy breakfast!
2. Build a Support Network. You cannot do it all on your own. Ask for help and allow others to help you. A good network of friends, family, colleagues and your community is invaluable!
3. Get off the Guilt-trip. Guilt can emotionally paralyze you and is one of the greatest drains on emotional energy. Use logic reasoning to counter-balance guilt – rather focus on the benefits of your current work-life situation, than only the draw-backs.
4. Get Organised. Good organisation enables you to work smarter and not harder. Implement simple systems and checklists to get routine work done, keep a visible schedule or calendar to coordinate personal and professional activities of the entire household, and steer clear of clutter. Everything should have its own place at office and at home.  If this seems like an impossible task, why not enlist the help of a personal organiser or assistant to help you de-clutter and get organised?
5. Set your own Standards. Is it really necessary to be a perfectionist on all fronts? Is it worth spending 80% of your time to get only 20% of the result? Learn to let some standards go, as long as it does not compromise yourself, your loved-ones and your employer.
6. Be Flexible. Organisation and control are usually good, but you also need to be flexible. We will always be confronted with changes to original plans. It is much easier to change our attitudes and get into creative problem-solving mode than to change unfolding circumstances.
7. Communicate! With effective communication it is so much easier to manage expectations, set clear personal and professional boundaries and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. If we are able to verbalise what it is that we want, it is much easier to get it! Effective communication can help us to negotiate for better terms both at work and at home! (But we do not always do it!)
8. Set aside Time for Yourself. To be a good parent, partner and professional, you need to be good to yourself first. A good strategy is to create some quiet time for yourself on a daily basis where you can energise, clear your mind, develop you gratitude attitude and set positive affirmations! You only need 10 to 15 minutes a day, preferably before you dive into the hustle and bustle of the day!
9. Seek opportunities for Quality Time. If you do not have a lot of time with your loved ones, get creative to make the most of the time spent together. Create rituals to strengthen relationships with you partner, children, family and friends. This can be as simple as a regular date-night, special family meals, a weekly outing to the local farmers market, or even a circle of friends weekend-away once a year! Rituals build memories – and that is all that remain once the time has gone…
Achieving a better work-life balance is not something that your boss, your partner or anyone else can create for you. You need to take action to change if balance is truly near and dear to you.

Let me give you a challenge if you want to improve YOUR work-life balance – On a blank sheet of paper, write down at least 3 things that you want to change to improve your work-life balance (for example - Take Friday afternoons off; or Institute a weekly games night with the family; or Create your own 15 minutes quiet time daily….it your choice). Write down the specific actions that you will take to do this, as well as a target time frame BY WHEN you want to have completed it. Share this with someone significant in your life, then DO IT. Start by taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILTY for change in your own life today!

About the Author: Gina Mostert is a business success strategist and coach who works with executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and independent professionals to plan for success, get more organised and take decisive action to get results.
By creatively combining the best of consulting, coaching and mentoring, she helps clients to define exactly WHAT they want to be, have or do in business and HOW they intend to get there. She is the developer of the 8 Essentials for Business Breakthroughs Program for Small Businesses.
Links: or

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Market 2 March, 09h00 - 17h00

Birds of a Feather

What comes to mind first? The proverb “Birds of a feather flock together” or all the beautiful arts, crafts and vintage items with birds as a theme. Rosemary Manor will be catering to everyone’s taste this Friday!
We will be flocking together with all the wonderful like minded people who regularly join us at the market. There will be beautiful theme specific products and the tea garden will cater for more than birdfeed (pardon the pun!).

Getting back to the more academic side of things. This proverb has been in use since at least the mid 16th century. In 1540, the version of it in his papist satire The Rescuing of Romish Fox: “Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together.”

The phrase also appears in Benjamin Jowett’s 1856 translation of Plato that were present in the original Greek text then, at around 380BC, Plato’s shows earlier reference to it. What appears in Jowett’s version is: “Men of my age flock together; we are birds of a feather.”
Plato’s  text can be translated in other ways and it is safe to say it was just around 380BC, that considered the phrase to be old. The lack of citation  in the 16th Century does tend to suggest that its literal translation wasn’t a text that was widely read by English scholars of the classics well before.

In nature, birds of a single species do in fact frequently form flocks. Ornithologists explain this behaviour as a “safety in numbers” tactic to reduce their risk of predation. In language terms, it was previously more common to refer to birds flying together than flocking together and many early citations use that form, for example Philemon Holland’s translation of Livy’s Romane historie, 1600: “As commonly birds of a feather will flye together.”

We are looking forward to spending a glorious day under the yellowing leaves of autumn with you. Sure to be accompanied by our feathered friends over head in the treetops.Join us for the fun and fellowship associated with Rosemary Manor and the rest of the people of the (Lynn)wood.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Spring Greens and Camembert Tart

1 roll shortcrust pastry
4 eggs, beaten
150 ml cream
1 bunch leaks
½ onion
handful of spring onoins, shredded
1 clove of garlic
Olive oil
1 pack camembert cheese, sliced into wedges
½ cup shaven biltong

Preheat the oven to 200
Roll the pastry and line a 23 cm flan dish
Bake blind for 10 – 15 minutes
Whisk the eggs and cream in a large bowl
Fry the leaks, onion and garlic in olive oil and add to the eggs and cream
Stir in the spring onoins
Season to taste with salt and pepper
Scatter the camembert slices and the shaven biltong over the pastry shell
Pour in the filling
Bake 25 – 30 minutes

Serve as a light meal with a side salad

Sunday 29 January 2012

Romantic Rose         
3 February 2012               
09h00 – 17h00

 “The rose speaks of love silently in a language known only to the heart” Anonymous
In this world of speed and pressure we need to make an intentional decision to slow down and smell the roses.
At the beginning of another fantastic year full of challenges – we at Rosemary Manor commit ourselves to creating a oasis of peace, beauty and serenity.

We invite you to join us this week in the tranquil and creative atmosphere at the Manor.
Roses are the ultimate symbol of natural beauty and romance. In decor as well as crafts people have embraced the rose as an expression of passion and life for many centuries. In both literature and art the colour and shape of the rose has inspired many masterpieces.
“The fragrance of the rose stays in the hand of the giver”
Join us this Friday and experience the romantic presence of the rose. Our tea garden will provide you with a culinary feast. Bring a friend and take a break after the frenzied start of 2012.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Gevulde murgpampoentjies

6 GROOT murgpampoentjies
½ ui
1 knoffelhuisie, opgekap
250 g sampioene
½ koppie cheddarkaas, gerasper
Sout en peper

  • Voorverhit oond tot 180
  • Bak die murgpampoentjies 30 – 40 minute of tot gaar
  • Sny die murgpampoentjies middeldeur in die lengte en verwyder die pitte
  • Braai die sampioene, knoffel en ui in die olyfolie en voeg die pampoenpitte by
  • Geur met sout en peper
  • Skep die bogenoemde mengsel terug in die holtes van die murgpampoentjies
  • Strooi die kaas oor en plaas terug in die oond totdat die kaas gesmelt is
Bedien saam met braaivleis of dien op as 'n voorgereg. Lekker eet!!